Core Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.

Standard Indicator 5.1 Professional Collaboration

The teacher contributes to school effectiveness by collaborating with other professionals on activities that support school improvement and student learning.

Standard Indicator 5.1 emphasizes the importance of professional collaboration in promoting school effectiveness and student learning. Teachers who work collaboratively with other professionals can share expertise and resources, leading to more effective teaching and learning practices. By collaborating with other professionals, teachers can gain a broader perspective on student needs and identify areas for improvement in their teaching practices. This standard also highlights the importance of engaging in activities that support school improvement, such as professional development opportunities and involvement in school-wide initiatives. Teachers who are committed to professional collaboration contribute to a positive school culture that values teamwork, continuous learning, and student success. Overall, Standard Indicator 5.1 underscores the critical role of professional collaboration in promoting school effectiveness and student achievement.

Standard Indicator 5.2 Professionalism & Engagement with Caregivers*

Teacher engages in ongoing communication and collaboration with students' homes and caregivers. The teacher behaves ethically and responsibly in their professional role. 

*The terms "family," "parent," and "caregiver" are used throughout this document to refer to people who are the primary caregivers, guardians, or significant adults in the lives of students.

Standard Indicator 5.2 highlights the importance of professionalism and engagement with caregivers in the teaching profession. Effective communication and collaboration between teachers and caregivers are essential for promoting student success. Teachers who maintain open and ongoing communication with caregivers can better understand the unique needs of their students and develop more effective strategies to support their learning. It is also crucial for teachers to behave ethically and responsibly in their professional role, maintaining confidentiality and privacy when working with caregivers. Through this standard, educators are encouraged to establish strong partnerships with families and caregivers, recognizing them as valued partners in the education process.