Core Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.

Standard Indicator 3.1 Managing Classroom Routines and Expectations

The teacher establishes an organized and efficient learning environment that involves and engages all students, maximizes learning time, and enhances student learning in a variety of individual and group settings.

Standard Indicator 3.1 emphasizes the importance of managing classroom routines and expectations in creating an organized and efficient learning environment. Teachers who are successful in this area establish clear expectations for behavior and academic performance, communicate these expectations effectively to students, and hold students accountable for meeting them. They also establish routines for tasks such as entering and exiting the classroom, transitions between activities, and managing materials and supplies. By establishing routines and expectations, teachers can maximize learning time and create an environment that is conducive to student learning. Additionally, successful teachers use a variety of strategies to engage all students, including individual and group settings, to accommodate different learning styles and needs. Overall, Standard Indicator 3.1 underscores the critical role of managing classroom routines and expectations in creating an effective learning environment that promotes student engagement and achievement.

Standard Indicator 3.2 Student Engagement

The teacher encourages and clearly communicates expectations for student involvement in the learning process, which results in a high level of student engagement.

Standard Indicator 3.2 highlights the importance of student engagement in the learning process. Teachers who are successful in this area encourage and communicate clear expectations for student involvement in learning. They create a classroom environment that is welcoming and safe, where all students feel valued and supported in their learning. Successful teachers also use a variety of strategies to engage students, such as hands-on activities, collaborative learning experiences, and opportunities for student choice and voice in the learning process. By promoting student engagement, teachers can increase motivation and interest in learning, resulting in improved student achievement. Overall, Standard Indicator 3.2 underscores the critical role of student engagement in the learning process and highlights the importance of effective communication and creating a positive learning environment to promote student involvement and success.

Standard Indicator 3.3 Assessment of Student Progress

The teacher employs multiple methods to regularly measure student growth and progress and uses this information to provide feedback and adjust instructional decision-making.

Standard Indicator 3.3 emphasizes the importance of assessing student progress in promoting effective teaching and learning. Teachers who are successful in this area use multiple methods to regularly measure student growth and progress, including formative and summative assessments, observations, and student work samples. They use this information to provide timely and specific feedback to students, as well as to adjust instructional decision-making. By assessing student progress, teachers can identify areas of strength and weakness, monitor student growth over time, and make informed decisions about instructional strategies and interventions to better meet the needs of their students. Overall, Standard Indicator 3.3 underscores the critical role of assessment in promoting effective teaching and learning, and highlights the importance of using assessment information to inform instructional decision-making and improve student achievement.