Standard Indicator 3.1. Managing Classroom Routines and Expectations

The teacher establishes an organized and efficient learning environment that involves and engages all students, maximizes learning time, and enhances student learning in a variety of individual and group settings.

Evidence 1: 2022-2023

*This standard is not a part of my portfolio requirements for the 2022-2023 year but it is part of my professional learning goal. At this point, I am unsure where it needed to be included. I apologize for the confusion. Please disregard is it is not supposed to be included.*

Kindness strips are an innovative evidence-based approach I've implemented in my classroom to encourage and visibly celebrate acts of kindness. This tangible representation of kindness and respect promotes a positive classroom environment by constantly reminding students of their potential to be kind, while acknowledging their peers' kind acts.

Students are encouraged to write their names on a slip of paper whenever they are 'caught' being kind or when they recognize a classmate's act of kindness. These slips of paper then join an ever-growing kindness chain that is proudly displayed in our classroom.

This visual, growing chain serves as a constant, concrete reminder of the acts of kindness students perform daily. It has created an atmosphere of positivity and mutual respect in the classroom. I've noticed a marked improvement in students' behavior towards each other; they're more considerate, understanding, and collaborative.

The kindness chain is a practical manifestation of my professional growth goal: fostering positive relationships and peer interactions based on respect and collaboration. Through this activity, students are learning firsthand the importance and impact of kindness, thereby developing essential social-emotional skills for lifelong learning and well-being.

The "We've Earned a Compliment" program I've introduced in my classroom to encourages and rewards adherence to our core classroom values of safety, respect, responsibility, and kindness. This evidence-based approach has been instrumental in fostering a positive and collaborative classroom environment.

When our class as a whole demonstrates these values and this is recognized by another staff member in our school community, we earn a letter to spell out the word 'compliment'. This recognition is not only a moment of pride for us but also serves as an effective reinforcement of collective positive behavior.

Once the class manages to spell out the entire word 'compliment', we celebrate this achievement with a larger group activity or reward such as an extra recess. This whole-class reward system emphasizes the importance of teamwork and shared responsibility in maintaining a positive classroom atmosphere.

The tangible outcome of our collective behavior, displayed in the spelled-out 'compliment', coupled with the anticipation of a group reward, have positively influenced student behavior. There is a noticeable increase in respectful interactions, responsibility, and kindness among the students. This initiative aligns well with my professional learning goal of fostering positive relationships, encouraging respectful peer interactions, and promoting a supportive classroom community.