Standard Indicator 5.2. Professionalism. Engagement with Caregivers*

Teacher engages in ongoing communication and collaboration with students' homes and caregivers. The teacher behaves ethically and responsibly in their professional role. 

*The terms "family," "parent," and "caregiver" are used throughout this document to refer to people who are the primary caregivers, guardians, or significant adults in the lives of students.

Evidence 1: 2022-2023

Rose Walker Newsletters 2022_2023 SAMPLE.pdf

This year I used a few different types of home and school communication. Shown to the left is two examples of newsletters that I sent home. This would give families a quick overview of important dates, reminders, what we are learning in our classroom, and other announcements I might want to let families know. 

On the right, I also tried remind. When I polled families at the beginning of the year asking their perfered ways communication. Many families reached out and said that emails get lost and an alternative would be better. Since as a grade level, we decided not to use Seesaw (due to the phase out) and we chose to use google classroom, I needed an alternative. Remind was the choice. Next year I plan to use class dojo and email exclusively. 

Remind Classroom Announcements 2022-2023.pdf