Standard Indicator 2.3. Goal-Focused Planning

The teacher plans instruction rich in higher-order thinking to meet clearly identified goals and objectives for student learning.

Evidence 1: 2022-2023

Assessment, Rubric, & Recording Sheet

Student work pages and the use of rubrics are valuable tools for supporting student learning by providing structure, clarity, and opportunities for growth. As an educator, I plan my instruction to incorporate higher-order thinking skills, ensuring that I address the specific goals and objectives for student learning.

Student work pages serve as a guide for students, outlining tasks and requirements that are directly aligned with the identified learning goals. These pages provide a clear roadmap for students, allowing them to understand what is expected of them and how they can demonstrate their understanding and skills. By providing this structure, student work pages help to create a supportive learning environment.

Rubrics further enhance this supportive environment by providing explicit criteria for assessment and feedback. Rubrics outline the expectations for student work, delineating the qualities and characteristics that define successful performance. By using rubrics, students are provided with a roadmap to success, enabling them to self-assess and reflect on their own progress. Rubrics also empower students to take ownership of their learning by highlighting areas for improvement and growth.

In planning my instruction, I intentionally incorporate activities and tasks that promote higher-order thinking skills. This approach encourages students to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and analysis. By focusing on these cognitive processes, students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and strengthen their ability to apply their knowledge in meaningful ways.

Overall, the combination of student work pages and rubrics in my instructional approach fosters a supportive learning environment that promotes student growth and achievement. By clearly defining goals, providing structure, and encouraging higher-order thinking, I am able to effectively support student learning and help students reach their full potential.

Grade 4 Narrative Rubric.pdf

Using a narrative writing rubric that aligns with the grading standards and the ciricullum creates a common grading score. This was used to grade the Arc of Story preassessment. By doing this, I was able to set plans for what information needed to be covered and taught.  


This is an example of the recording sheet that I used inorder to grade and record the scores for the assessment that was given. I was able to quickly glance and see an overview. In the case with this assessment. The majority of the class needed support in organization and punctuation. 

Writing Student Work Pages - Arc of the Story SAMPLE.pdf

Student Work Pages

Teachers create student work pages to focus on student learning and align them with the curriculum. These pages are designed to track students' progress and fit well into the student work routine. Each page has a task related to the unit's teaching point. An example is done together as a group, and then students work independently and submit their work at the end of the writing session.

The teacher starts by completing an example with the students as a guide. This helps them understand the concepts before they work on their own. Students then complete their tasks independently, applying what they've learned. Submitting their work allows the teacher to assess their progress, provide feedback, and offer guidance. These student work pages serve as evidence of the students' growth and a reference for future lessons.

In summary, student work pages created by teachers support learning and curriculum alignment. They track progress, provide structure, and help students practice independently. The example and submission of work allow for assessment and feedback, ensuring continuous improvement.